Construction of Nationwide Electrical Power Grid and Power Plant and its facilities. Original Contract Awarded Amt $ 367,131,224. Current Contract Amt after amendments $ 298,496,192 (Contract No.: RDTL-812931)
Procurement Document Type:
ICB - Works
Procurement Audience:
Financing Institution:
20 - Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros e Cooperação
Institution Department/Agency:
200308 - Construção Da Nova Centro Electricidade Linha Transmissão E Suprivissão
Institution Project Owner:
20 - Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros e Cooperação
Disclaimer note: The data and information from this record is derived from manual records and is provided "as-is", when available and may not be certified or included the complete information related with this procurement document. Published date has been set from 1 to 4 months prior to awarded date for all documents where no actual published date was available. Starting January 2012 the data will be loaded directly from the new Procurement Module.